Thursday, 1 March 2012

Research into similar style of movies

I have already mentioned the 2012 movie soon to be realised called project x, where a teenage boy has a house party when his parents are away to get more popular.

Similar films to this are

The hangover

this is because within the film they are dealing with the effects of drink, the after effects and how they deal with it. Also within the film and films (including the second film, handover2) they go back to the camera they had with them during the night and look back at some of the images and videos for example

the famous clip at the end of the first film, they look back at the photos that were on the camera and reflect on the past goings on.

Also in the sequel to the film they use the camera to look at past videos and pictures from the night before.

This is a very effective way of inlcuding comedy into the film and is what i will try to achive in my comedy trailer. The use of photos and videos illudes the viewer to believe that it is real and they assoicate the images with own past situations. This is where the comedy coems from.

spinal tap is legendary British heavy metal band Spinal Tap attempt an American comeback tour accompanied by a fan who is also a film-maker. The resulting documentary, interspersed with powerful performances of Tap's pivotal music and profound lyrics, candidly follows a rock group heading towards crisis, culminating in the infamous affair of the eighteen-inch-high Stonehenge stage prop.

'Rockumentary is a mockumentary'  is quoted by a critic.

This again is another good example of what my comedy film will include. A documentry type style, i will not do the same as this film and feature the filming through out but will have outtakes in there.

Enter the void (2009) is another style of film that includes a ten minute beginning filmed intially in a point of view shot. Now i will use this style within my trailer and is a very good example because the film last aprox ten minutes. Not that i will use ten minutes within my trailer but i would use aprox ten minutes of p.o.v shooting within my film. This is a good indication of what i will use.

Why have i done this ?

I have done this becuase i am showing my change of style from the start of the work. Im showing the adaption of my film and what it is becoming. Its different camera shots and how the comedy will come across. This is vital for the progression of my work.